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Westernized Diet, Obesity, and Cognitive Decline: Implications for China


报告题目Westernized Diet, Obesity, and Cognitive Decline: Implications for China

报告人 Dr. Terry Lee Davidson

Director, Center for Behavioral Neuroscience
Professor, Department of Psychology
American University

时间: 2013 11 18 (星期一)上午10:00

地点:北京大学医学部 逸夫楼509教室

主持人:马治中 副教授


Dr. Terry Lee Davidson received his Purdue University in Unite States from 1981 to 1985. From that time on, he has been working as a professor, director, and academic committee member in more than 20 university departments or academic committees. He has received a dozens of research grant supports, special awards and honors. Until now, he has been proved to be an   internationally recognized professor in the field of Psychological and neurological Sciences. He has published nearly 100 papers and book chapters. He has deep and great accomplishments neurological and Psychological behavior studies, especially in learning and memory studies.
