(10.29)【院长论坛】The microbiome in inflammatory bowel disease and microbiome…
报告题目:The microbiome in inflammatory bowel disease and microbiome-drug interactions
报告人:Daniel Figeys, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology, University of Ottawa
时 间:2019年10月29日(星期二)下午15:00
地 点:卫生楼二层中厅
Changes in the gut microbiome have been implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases. In the first part of the presentation, I will discuss the interaction between the microbiome and the gut in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We are interested in the functional changes in the microbiome and the host that accompany the onset of the disease and whether these changes are potentially involved in the disease. In order to assess the changes in the microbiome and host-microbiome interactions, we collected mucosal-luminal interface samples and biopsies from a pediatric IBD inception cohort. These samples are used to characterize the human and microbiome proteomes and their regulations through post-translational modifications (PTM).
Eventhough omic approaches can be used to study dysbiosis, our abiltiy to intervene to correct the dysbiosis is limited. This is primarily due the lack of tools for screening compounds against microbiome. Currently, compounds are either screened against individual bacteria or using animal models. In the second part of the presentation, we will discuss the development of a rapid assay for individual’s microbiome (called RapidAIM). RapidAIM is an ex vivo assays to study the effects of drugs on the human gut microbiome. In this assay, series of compounds can be screen against a panel of individual microbiomes allowing the characterisation of the microbiome responses and the pathways activated by the compounds.
Selected Publications:
1. Starr, A. E. et al. Proteomic and Metaproteomic Approaches to Understand Host-Microbe Interactions. Anal Chem. 2018, 90(1): 86-109. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b04340
2. Starr, A. E. et al. Proteomic analysis of ascending colon biopsies from a paediatric inflammatory bowel disease inception cohort identifies protein biomarkers that differentiate Crohn's disease from UC.Gut. 2017, 66(9): 1573-1583. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2015-310705
3. Mottawea, W. et al. Altered intestinal microbiota-host mitochondria crosstalk in new onset Crohn's disease. Nat Commun. 2016, 7:13419. doi: 10.1038/ncomms13419
4. Zhang, X. et al. Deep Metaproteomics Approach for the Study of Human Microbiomes. Anal Chem. 2017, 89(17): 9407-9415. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b02224