【院长论坛】Protozoal Parasites: Structure and Function of the Host-Parasite i…
报告题目:Protozoal Parasites: Structure and Function of the Host-Parasite interaction
报告人:Keith Gull, Dean of St. Edmund Hall
报告时间:2014年9月19日(星期五) 上午10:40—11:40
Professor Keith Gull did his PhD in the University of London and then moved to a lectureship at Biological Laboratory at the University of Kent where he worked on the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic microbes, particularly trypanosomes, the causal agents of African Sleeping Sickness, He spent the 1990s involved with the development of the School of Biological Sciences in the University of Manchester as Research Dean and moved to Oxford in 2002 as a Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Molecular Microbiology at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology. His research focuses on African trypanosomes, particularly the structural and molecular mechanisms of cell proliferation, differentiation, pathogenesis and antigenic variation.
Professor Keith Gull has served on numerous committees of funding agencies and charities including Wellcome Trust. He is a member of many learned societies and was awarded the Marjory Stephenson Prize from the Society for General Microbiology (the Society’s principal prize).He has been elected to Fellowships of the Royal Society and Academy of Medical Sciences and was awarded a CBE by the Queen for services to microbiology. His academic contributions have been recognised by an honorary DSc (Kent) and prizes from learned societies.
1. Akiyoshi B, Gull K, (2014) Discovery of unconventional kinetochores in Kinetoplastids. Cell 156, 1247–1258, 2014
2. Gadelha C, Rothery S, Morphew M, McIntosh JR, Severs NJ, Gull K. Membrane domains and
flagellar pocket boundaries are influenced by the cytoskeleton in African trypanosomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009, 106, 17425-30. PMCID: PMC2755463
3. Broadhead R, Dawe HR, Farr H, Griffiths S, Hart SR, Portman N, Shaw MK, Ginger ML, Gaskell SJ, McKean PG, Gull K. Flagellar motility is required for the viability of the bloodstream trypanosome. Nature. 2006, 440, 224-7. PMID: 1652547